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Electronic Message Center Signs
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Louisville Electronic Message Center Signs

Stay up-to-date and appealing to your customers with the best Louisville electronic message center signs. Turn your static sign into a dynamic, attention-grabber that can change it’s messaging anytime you want.

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At Louisville Sign Company, we offer state-of-the-art technology for your electronic message center signs with innovative Cirrus displays. The Cirrus message center gives you truly edge-to-edge images and does it without wires or fans or any of the other things that can let you down.

Our LED signs are fully customized to showoff your products, services, and special messages. We have many options for electronic message center signs to fit any size business.

You can trust us to deal with your electronic message center sign needs—thanks to our long experience and understanding of customer needs. We use our knowledge and experience to make your signs work for your business and get people interested, even as you change the message displayed on your signs.

Call Louisville Sign Company at (502) 521-3115 for your Free Consultation with a Louisville Electronic Message Center Sign expert!

Digital Message Centers

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While you can use a traditional business sign to effectively promote your products and services, adding digital message centers like the Cirrus Electronic Message Center allows you to change your signage anytime you want, allowing you to send fresh and inviting messages to your target market.

With their advanced technology, Cirrus Electronic Message Centers are durable, scalable, and immune to the kind of corrosion that causes failures in less modern signs.

With these digital message centers, you can personalize the images that appear on your sign every day if you want. You can showcase special events, promotional products, or even funny or inspirational quotes. The electronic message center display shows off your business with vivid detail in a way that traditional signs cannot mimic.

To show different messages without changing the main structure itself, you can simply update the display from your computer and upload the messaging you want it to show. It saves you time and money, while expanding your marketing reach.

Lighted and Illuminated Signs

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Not every business needs an electronic message center. Louisville Sign Company understands how important it is for signs to stay visible, especially at night. This is why we also offer lighted signs which people can see even from a mile away, no matter what the time or weather.

For these signs, we can customize the lighting using LEDs based on your brand’s colors, logo, and how you want your signs to look from afar.

Full-Service Sign Company

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If you want your Louisville electronic message center sign to stand out, the company you choose to build it must be able to personalize it perfectly to meet your needs.

Louisville Sign Company is a full-service sign company that can handle every aspect of your sign project, from designing the electronic message center, to building it, to installing it in the exact spot where you will get the most impact from it.

We make it a point to ask you about your business goals and needs, so we can determine exactly what your electronic message center sign should look like. You won’t be disappointed.

Even after our electronic message center signs are installed, we offer maintenance and repair services to keep them working perfectly. We guarantee that you won’t be stressed with our unique electronic message center signs and that they will give you the highest returns possible.

Free Consultation Today

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If you are looking for the best Louisville, KY sign company to give you the best signs for your business, Louisville Sign Company will not let you down.

Our customized Louisville electronic message center signs will help you lure in potential customers and show them what you offer in a vibrant, attractive fashion. Call us today to find out more about our unique signs and how they can help you with your business.

Call Louisville Sign Company at (502) 521-3115 for your Free Consultation with a Louisville Electronic Message Center Sign expert!